The Costume Collective’s April Workshop:

Building Character Closets

The Costume Collective is excited to launch our first workshop in the warehouse on April 27th!!

Join Barb Portinga and Andrea Gross, sometimes known professionally as Rubble&Ash, for a conversation about costume and character design from a perspective we call “closet pulls.” We didn’t make it up, but we love it as a thought process, and want to share and discuss it with other costumers in the Twin Cities.

We’ll meet at the warehouse, talk through our process in our workspace (ask about our build out plans while you’re here!) and a practice pull in “the stacks” so we can learn from each others’ approaches. Not limited to new or experienced designers, we want to meet a wide variety of our peers!

Sliding Scale Pricing: $0 to $45

Saturday April 27th


3300 5th St NE

Minneapolis MN 55418